24 hours against cancer – the Allier Group together for a good cause

The weekend November 18th-19t,  the Allier group held their version of Relay for life – an event they called 24 hours against cancer. This Is the biggest event that is planned out and arranged by an external company, to support the Norwegian cancer society. This was an indoor event, using treadmills and ergometer bicycles, which were kept rolling for 24 hours.

Seriousness and joy hand in hand

The event 24 hours against cancer was a great success, thanks to professional planning and execution. 150 kids and adults visited the Allier Group building during the 24 hours, and contributed in this fantastic effort in the battle against cancer. During the event, there was room for both seriousness and happiness.

A tired, but content Tore Haukås meets with us the following monday.

-We had a goal of keeping the treadmills and ergometer bicycles going all through the night, and we did thanks to the great effort of everyone that participated!

Tore is very happy with the way the event was executed.

– We really got to feel all the emotions these 24 hours. Fun activities, good company and good food, combined with thought-provoking lectures and personal stories about cancer, says Tore.

Kept the treadmills going.

A continuous effort all the way from the get-go at 11.30 am Saturday morning until the closing ceremony on Sunday 12 pm.

-We were a good bunch that cycled and ran through the 24 hours, and both big and small participated, Tore continues. – From 2 am until 6 am we were a hard-core gang of 6 people who took turns in keeping the treadmills running. It was very social and nice, but we cannot get away from the fact that it was quite a sore bunch who met up for the morning yoga, when they finished their effort on Sunday, Tore says with a smile.

Anette Fondevik is also very pleased. – This was a great experience for everyone who participated. In addition to the social side of things, we also got to hear important stories from the Norwegian Cancer society, who talked about men and cancer, and from the married couple Tarald and Laila Ueland, who talked about the challenges faced by the next of kin of someone with a cancer diagnose, says Anette

After the presentations,  everyone present met for a beautiful lights ceremony outside. – We lit paper lanterns, Tore said a few words and we listened to a Norwegian version of Down by the Sally Gardens. It was very emotional, and underlined both the seriousness of the event, but also signalled that we stand together.

Fantastic effort!

This is the first time a company have planned and executed an event like this on its own, and close to NOK 40 000, –  was raised and donated to the Cancer society during the 24 hours.

-We want to thank the Allier Group for this fantastic effort! We are truly impressed by all the work put down by the organizers, and the professional execution of the event throughout the 24 hours, says special advisor in the Cancer society, Håkon Larsson-Fedde.

Many people have been involved in this event, by partivipating in the event, by donating monmey, but it has also involved many hours of voluntary effort by the organisers. On of the people who have done more than his fair share, especially when it comes to getting sponsors, is Stig André Thoresen and his brother Kjell Thoresen, both employees at Monsen Electro, a subdivision of The Allier Group.

-When I heard about the event, it struck me straight away that I wanted to be in charge of getting sponsors, says Stig Andre. -The fight against cancer is important for both my brother and me. We lost both both our parents to cancer, and there are many in our close social circle that are affected or have been affected by cancer.

In addition to the fundraising for an important cause, Stig André highlights the social aspect.

-When we meet each other this way, it allows us to get to know each other in a different way, not just as colleagues. We come closer, and maybe we get to talk about more personal things, that gives us perspective regarding what life really is, and what really matters.

Stig André hopes the event will be repeated, and that even more people will participate next time.

-Everything about this was fantastic! he says.

Thank you very much!

 After such a successful event, it is also time to thank everyone who contributed and participated.

An extra thank you goes to the organizers, who planned everything, and kept the wheels moving those late hours during the night: Tore Haukås, Jorun Løyning, Hege Stunner, Ingunn Wolf, Wenche Austervoll, Anette Fondevik and Torill Sandvold.

Thank you also to the people participating as volunteers during the event, without whom this could not have happened: Erik Aschem, Mike Kristiansen and sons, Mihai and Rufiya Burduya, Knut Bendixsen and Kjersti Stunner.

-Now we need to evaluate and figure out how we can make thius even better next time. The conclusion so far is that this was an event that was important for a lot of people, concludes Anette Fondevik.

PS: Four weeks later the Allier group and its employees gave the Cancer Society an additional 100 000, – NOK. This was originally money purposed for buying Christmas presents for the employees, but the decided to donate this money to the Cancer Society of Norway, rather than receiving Christmas presents this year.

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