With a Heart for the Community and the Cancer Cause

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Sparebanken Møre collected 17,000 kroner during the Relay for Life in Ålesund.

There are many ways to get engaged in a good cause . Sparebanken Møre has used the entire toolbox, which has benefited the local community.

– When your workplace gets engaged and gives you, as an employee, the opportunity to do the same, it makes you proud.

This is what Andreas Ulvestad, branch manager at Sparebanken Møre – Spjelkavik branch, says. For several years, the bank has been involved in the fight against cancer in various ways.

– Two years ago, we were in dialogue with the Norwegian Cancer Society about sponsoring the Fighter dinner organized during Relay for Life in Ålesund. We thought this was a great initiative and therefore agreed to contribute, Ulvestad explains.

A fighter is a person who has or has had cancer and is an honored guest at the relay. To make the Fighters feel special, a dedicated Fighter dinner is organized.

But sponsoring the dinner wasn’t enough for the bank. They wanted to do more.

Folk i matchende lilla skjorter sitter ved bordene og spiser et måltid i et lyst rom mens en kvinne i gul skjorte går forbi. Ballonger er synlige i hjørnet.
Sparebanken Møre sponsored the Fighter Dinner in Ålesund. Photo: Marius Simensen

An Event for Everyone

– After arranging the Fighter dinner, we got the idea to form our own team and participate in the relay itself.

Ulvestad then began recruiting employees from the headquarters and other offices.

– The enthusiasm was high, and we ended up with a solid team. This despite not really knowing what we were getting into, Ulvestad says.

It was therefore an excited group that lined up for the relay.

– When you hear ‘relay,’ you think it’s something very physical. But we quickly learned that this relay is for everyone and has nothing to do with physical fitness. The social aspect is the most important part, Ulvestad explains.

Relay for Life is free, even for those who participate with a team. Those who wish can raise money for the cancer cause by donating a fixed amount for each lap a participant completes.

– We chose to do this. It gave everyone on the team extra motivation, Ulvestad says.

Conversations that Provided Perspective

– The employees who participated in the relay had a very positive experience. It became a talking point afterwards. We were left with a feeling of having been part of something meaningful, something that made a difference, Ulvestad says.

What Ulvestad remembers most vividly from the relay are the conversations he shared with other participants.

– During the relay, there were many great conversations. Conversations that really gave us perspective and a reminder of how important this cause is, he says.

This year, the bank is once again forming a team for Relay for Life Ålesund, on September 7th and 8th.

– We received such positive feedback from those who participated last time that I believe it will not be a problem to recruit employees again this year.

The branch manager also encourages other companies to form teams for their local relay.

– Just do it!. You don’t have to be fit to participate. It’s a low-threshold event that’s suitable for everyone, says Ulvestad.

10 Million for a new Vardesenter in Ålesund

Sparebanken Møre is not a bank that engages once, pats itself on the back, and moves on. For many years, they have been involved in both big and small ways. The cancer cause has always been central to the bank.

– No matter who you are, cancer is something that affects us all. Our employees, their families, friends, and especially our customers. We often talk to customers who find themselves in a completely new life situation due to cancer. Therefore, it is important for us to show that this is a cause we care about and want to highlight.

In 2022, the bank donated a whopping 10 million kroner to a new Vardesenter in Ålesund.

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Jorun Bøyum, clinic manager, Roar Strandman, former cancer patient, Trond Lars Nydal, CEO of Sparebanken Møre, Ingrid Stenstadvold Ross, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Cancer Society, and Øyvind Bakke, CEO of Helse Møre og Romsdal hospital trust. Photo: Sparebanken Møre

– Will benefit many

– We are committed to giving back to the local community. Therefore, it is also important for us that there are good services and offerings in the area. We thought there was no better way to give back than by contributing to the construction of a Vardesenter, Ulvestad explains.

When the Vardesenter in Ålesund opens, it will be the first Vardesenter opened in ten years and the first outside a university hospital.

– The Vardesenter is a local offering that benefits the entire county, and that’s precisely why we wanted to support it with a substantial sum. It’s time we get such an offering in Møre og Romsdal, says Ulvestad.

– Cancer is an enormous upheaval, both for the person who gets sick and their relatives. The Vardesenter in Ålesund will therefore be a great resource for people in a challenging situation, he adds.

He looks forward to the Vardesenter being completed and believes it will benefit many in the region.

– A Vardesenter encompasses so much. It focuses on psychosocial support, knowledge, physical activity, and nutrition. Here, cancer patients and their relatives can meet others in the same situation, attend courses, and receive counseling. Additionally, it’s free, which makes it a low-threshold offering. That’s important. We believe the Vardesenter will be an important place for many.

Unique Commitment

– The commitment shown by Sparebanken Møre is truly unique.

This says Tom Anders Stenbro, regional manager of the Cancer Society Mid-Norway.

– The bank is genuinely engaged with the local community they are part of, and in recent years, they have particularly supported the cancer cause. This is a bank that takes its social responsibility seriously! We hope other businesses are inspired by Sparebanken Møre, Stenbro says.

Sparebanken Møres largest single contribution is the donation to the new Vardesenter in Helse Møre og Romsdal.

– The support from the bank was crucial. The donation to the Vardesenter in Ålesund will mean a lot to many cancer patients, their relatives, and the bereaved – for many years to come, says Stenbro.

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